Anyone can measure the fabric of their awning. Follow these steps to obtain accurate measurements and place your order with complete peace of mind.

1 - Locate the different finishes

There are three types of finish to consider:

  1. Top finish :

    • Located at the top of the fabric, at the exit of the box (if your awning is fitted with one) or the winding tube (if you have a monobloc model).
  2. Bottom finish :

    • Located above the load bar (or front bar).
  3. Valance finish :

    • Located below the load bar and at the bottom of the valance

2 - Measurements

  1. Measure the width :

    • Measure the total width of the canvas from left to right, including the ends of the canvas.
  2. Measure the projection:

    • Measure the length of the unfolded fabric, from the attachment point on the roll-up tube to the load bar. It is recommended that you add 30 cm to this measurement to allow for the fabric wrapping around the tube

3 - Identify, measure and note the finishes :

Identify, measure and note the types of finish at the top and bottom of the blind and valance

4 - Configure and buy your canvas directly online.

If you can't find the canvas you're looking for, or if you have any problems or doubts, please contact us, as we manufacture all our products and will be able to meet your requirements.

Send us your fabric and we'll take care of everything

Do you want to change the fabric of your awning but don't know how to measure and define the finish? We offer a measuring service to make your life easier. Send us your awning fabric and our manufacturing department will take precise measurements using our large work tables. Our team will also determine the finishes required for your new awning.

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